How to Apply Anki to Complex Diagrams: Breaking Down Differential Diagnoses

No matter your field or stage of learning, you'll likely need to learn complex algorithms. When you can't afford to miss things, "just understanding" isn't enough. Here's how Alex memorizes a differential diagnosis schema from the podcast Clinical Problem Solvers.

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The Body Palace: Memorizing the Review of Systems

A key tool in the physician’s arsenal is the review of systems, or ROS—a run-through of pertinent symptoms while taking a patient history. To the novice clinical student, it can feel overwhelming. Medical students often first learn the ROS as Alex did—as a giant, inscrutable list of symptoms. Here’s how he uses a memory technique to tackle it painlessly.

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How to Memorize the Entire Facial Nerve Using a Memory Palace [Video]

In this 20-minute video, Alex walks through how to memorize the entire facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) using a memory palace. The facial nerve is a key player in neuroanatomy and pops up during gross anatomy in medical school.

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